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Literacy Organization Acquires After-School Nonprofit to Expand Services

Reading Partners, a national literacy program headquartered in Oakland, California, wanted to expand into the after-school market and was looking to partner with an after-school program with a strong literacy-focused curriculum. Reading Partners was attracted to Mission Learning Center’s community-based after-school literacy program and acquired the organization. The acquisition offered programmatic benefits to both organizations. Reading Partners created after-school programs that used curricula developed with components of Mission Learn Center’s creative program, and Mission Learning Center utilized Reading Partners highly-efficient AmeriCorps staffing modeling while continuing to serve its community. A SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration grant helped finance costs associated with the acquisition.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $35,000

Year Granted: 2012

Grantee: Reading Partners

Location: CA - California

Grantee Website: Reading Partners