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Three Like-Missioned Canadian Organizations Formalize Collaboration with Merger

Canadian Federation for Sexual Health (CFSH), Canadians for Choice (CFC), and Action Canada for Population and Development (ACPD) were three Canadian nonprofits providing complementary services in sexual and reproductive health. The organizations had partnered on many initiatives over the last decade and had loosely discussed the possibility of collaboration. After engaging a consultant to explore a formal merger, it quickly became apparent that a merger would yield better succession planning, more complementary programs, a stronger infrastructure, and a differentiated donor base.The merged organizations became Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights. Support for one-time costs associated with the merger was provided by the SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $12,300

Year Granted: 2015

Grantee: Canadian Federation for Sexual Health

Location: National

Grantee Website: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights