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Two Public and World Affairs Forums Explore Merging

The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation’s oldest and largest public affairs forum, open to all, for the impartial discussion of public issues important to the membership, community, and nation. World Affairs Council (of Northern California) convenes thought leaders, change-makers, and engaged citizens to share ideas, learn from each other, and effect change. These two very long-standing organizations, both based in San Francisco, are exploring the intent to merge, to create a new entity that is more impactful and financially stronger than either group on its own. Both organizations’ mission, values, and societal space are congruent – especially now in an interconnected world where domestic and international issues are so strongly linked. The Lodestar Foundation provided a grant to help cover the costs needed for due diligence during the exploration/intent phase from third party consultants.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $15,000

Year Granted: 2023

Grantee: The Commonwealth Club of California

Location: California