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Jewish Disaster Relief Nonprofits Improve Services and Efficiency with Merger

Two Jewish disaster relief nonprofits, Jewish Disaster Response Corps (JDRC) and NECHAMA (which is the Hebrew word for comfort), had complementary programs to help Americans affected by natural disasters, especially those who are un- or underinsured. They merged into a single, Jewish-affiliated organization for domestic disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, with capacity to mobilize communities to volunteer during all stages of disaster. The combined organization realized gains in operational efficiency, continuum of services and program quality, and market positioning. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided partial funding for a consultant to assist with the merger.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $6,000

Year Granted: 2015

Grantee: NECHAMA

Location: National

Grantee Website: NECHAMA