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Healthcare Organizations Merge to Build Program and Advocacy Capacity

In 2011, the National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)⁠—a nonprofit that offers support services to parents in the form of support groups, education and information resources—decided that the best course of action to expand its programs and deepen its advocacy efforts was to merge with a larger organization. After an intensive process, the organization decided to merge with Jewish Guild Healthcare, an organization with extensive experience serving the visually impaired. In 2012, NAPVI became a subsidiary of Jewish Guild Healthcare. After a later merger, Jewish Guild Healthcare became Lighthouse Guild. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration helped fund one-time costs associated with the merger.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $11,000

Year Granted: 2013

Grantee: Lighthouse Healthcare

Location: National

Grantee Website: Lighthouse Healthcare