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Merger of Two Organizations Providing Training and Resources to Increase Equitable Access and Outcomes in Education

Center for Leadership and Educational Equity (CLEE) provides educators with professional development to create more equitable learning outcomes for students. School Reform Initiative (SRI) trains educators to improve equitable access to quality education. SRI’s Board determined SRI was not financially sustainable and decided to dissolve the organization. CLEE plans to acquire SRI’s assets and absorb SRI’s key employees. The continuation of SRI’s legacy will be an asset to the community CLEE serves. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to help cover the costs of the implementation.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $24,750

Year Granted: 2023

Grantee: Center for Leadership and Educational Equity

Location: National

Grantee Website: Center for Leadership and Educational Equity