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Exploration of Merger by Organizations Providing Nonprofit Training

The Institute for Nonprofit Practice (INP) and the New Sector Alliance (NSA) are organizations dedicated to training leaders in the social impact sector. INP works toward a more effective, connected, equitable, and diverse nonprofit workforce by providing leaders with knowledge, networks, and resources; NSA offers fellowship programs for individuals in different career stages focused on professional and workforce development skills, mentorship, and networking. Three years after they first explored a merger, INP and NSA believed the timing, circumstances, and leadership had become more conducive to a successful collaboration and decided to again engage in exploration. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant towards funding a consultant to facilitate the process.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $12,500

Year Granted: 2020

Grantee: Institute for Nonprofit Practice

Location: National

Grantee Website: Institute for Nonprofit Practice