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Arizona Grantmakers Forum Studies Economic Effects of Pandemic on Arizona

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on every facet of society.  While government funding was released, gaps still remained for the needs of Arizona nonprofits, individuals and families, and communities.  A study was commissioned by Arizona Grantmakers Forum to provide preliminary analysis of government funding available for Arizona’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The study included a description and prioritization of resource gaps where philanthropic funding could maximize impact, along with current projections of the assistance available to Arizonans through state and federal sources.  Information sources studied included analyses from national governmental, philanthropic and nonprofit advocacy organizations, summaries from Arizona state agencies, responses gathered from Arizona nonprofits in surveys from the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation.  A portion of the study was supported by a grant from The Lodestar Foundation.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $7,500

Year Granted: 2020

Grantee: Arizona Grantmakers Forum

Location: AZ - Arizona

Grantee Website: Arizona Grantmakers Forum