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Arizona Statewide Funder Collaborative Launched

Twenty-one Arizona philanthropic organizations have joined to form the Arizona Together for Impact Fund (AZTIF), a statewide initiative to improve the capacity, effectiveness, and financial health of nonprofits. One often overlooked but powerful way nonprofits can build capacity and achieve sustainability is through permanent collaboration. Similar funds have been launched in cities such as Chicago, Dallas, New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. Arizona’s fund is the country’s first statewide initiative. AZTIF will make three types of grants: early-stage Seed Awards, Exploratory Grants, and Implementation Grants. These grants will fund technical assistance and one-time third-party costs incurred by two or more nonprofits entering into a permanent collaboration. The Lodestar Foundation is a founding member of AZTIF and has committed to multi-year grants to the organization.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $300,000

Year Granted: 2019+

Timeframe: Grant awarded over multiple years

Grantee: Arizona Together for Impact Fund

Location: AZ - Arizona

Grantee Website: Arizona Together for Impact Fund