Development Gateway creates resources that help collect, visualize, and use data to create more effective and trusted public-serving institutions globally. Global Integrity works with civil society organizations in over 30 developing countries to ensure that public resources are used to meet people’s needs through anti-corruption and public service delivery initiatives. Open Gov Hub (OGH) is a nonprofit coworking and event space that engages over 70-member governance reform organizations in Washington D.C. Global Integrity and Development Gateway co-operate OGH and founded it together eleven years ago. With Global Integrity’s impending dissolution, OGH is being transferred to Development Gateway. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to help cover the transaction costs associated with the asset transfer.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $12,000
Year Granted: 2024
Grantee: Development Gateway
Location: DC - District Of Columbia
Grantee Website: Development Gateway