Three independent Cleveland charter schools—Citizens Academy, The Intergenerational Schools and E Prep—established Breakthrough Charter Schools, an innovative charter management organization, in 2010. This central entity streamlined the schools’ operations by providing consolidated administrative, marketing, and fundraising functions and positioned the operation to receive national funding (a $2 million grant was obtained soon after the partnership formed). As a result, the schools became more efficient, more stable, better funded, and better positioned for growth. SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration challenge grants provided funding for partnership-related expenses. Today, Breakthrough supports a network of nine high-performing public charter schools in Cleveland.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $82,500
Year Granted: 2012
Timeframe: Grant awarded over multiple years
Grantee: Breakthrough Charter Schools
Location: OH - Ohio
Grantee Website: Breakthrough Charter Schools