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Coalition To Strengthen Israeli-Arab NGOs

The Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) is a coalition of more than 160 organizations that promote people-to-people coexistence between Arabs and Jews, Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East. ALLMEP works to raise awareness about the work of the member organizations in addition to cultivating new and expanded resources to support the overall “grassroots” peace movement. For example, ALLMEP hosted the Unite the Field 2023 Annual Peacebuilders Conference in Jerusalem. This event brought together more than 600 peace activists, diplomats, and philanthropists making it the largest event in the organization’s history. Importantly, ALLMEP also advocates for the interests of its members before U.S. agencies, Congress, foreign governments, and foundations. Recognizing the potential impact that ALLMEP’s umbrella organization could have, Lodestar has provided a series of grants to ALLMEP, first to formalize and professionalize ALLMEP and then to help develop a sustainable infrastructure to secure its future. Lodestar’s investment has leveraged more than $300 million in grants from Congress to improve grassroots Israeli-Palestinian relations and establish ling-term conditions for peace. To learn more about ALLMEP’s work, see Shine a Light: A Global Livestream.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $831,400

Year Granted: 2008+

Timeframe: Grant awarded over multiple years

Grantee: The Alliance for Middle East Peace

Location: International

Grantee Website: The Alliance for Middle East Peace