Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey is the umbrella organization for Literacy Volunteers affiliates across the state. Each local program provided the same adult literacy services within their specific geographical area and most, but not all, used Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey’s tutor training curriculum. The statewide organization and the local affiliates explored the possibility of merging their operations in order to standardize quality and eliminate duplication of effort. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided funding for a consultant to facilitate the exploration of a merger between Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey and its affiliates. Six of the seven affiliates merged with Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey in 2014.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $10,000
Year Granted: 2013
Grantee: Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey
Location: NJ - New Jersey
Grantee Website: Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey