The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy is conducting a feasibility study to assess the creation of a “Legacy Library”. This library would be home to the archives and papers of individual philanthropists, and sunsetting foundations, providing a one-stop-shop for scholars, practitioners, and families of the initial donors to examine and learn from prior philanthropic practices. The project will focus on designing the materials to be included in individual philanthropy records; deciding how to memorialize records; marketing the library to philanthropists; and determining where and how the library will be structured. The Lodestar Foundation provided a grant to support the activities related to assessing the viability and sustainability of developing a “Legacy Library”.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $75,000
Year Granted: 2024
Grantee: Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Location: National
Grantee Website: Lilly Family School of Philanthropy