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Merger Exploration of Two National Organizations Focused on Consumer Protection and Economic Mobility for Low-Income and Underserved Communities

Consumer Action, headquartered in San Francisco, California, provides consumer education and advocacy, primarily in financial literacy and economic security, for low-income, multi-lingual, and underserved populations across the country. National Community Reinvestment Coalition, headquartered in Washington, DC., is a membership organization that advances solutions to break down the economic wealth, income, and opportunity divides in America. Consumer Action and NCRC have a long history of collaboration, specifically in policy reform. The organizations have complementary missions and believe that a collaboration could enable them to have a greater impact on the financial stability and consumer protections of low-income and underserved communities across the country. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to help fund a consultant to assist in the exploration of a merger.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $10,000

Year Granted: 2024

Grantee: National Community Reinvestment Coalition

Location: National

Grantee Website: National Community Reinvestment Coalition