Mosaic and Vantage Group (Vantage) are both healthcare providers for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, providing a variety of services to help people live full, independent lives. Vantage is located in Wallingford, Connecticut, while Mosaic operates across 10 states, including Connecticut. Both organizations are members of the Connecticut Alliance of Nonprofit Providers and became familiar with each other through that affiliation. As Vantage’s CEO approached retirement, Vantage and Mosaic began merger discussions given the similarities of their missions and programs. Anticipating more comprehensive services and increased financial stability, the organizations decided to merge. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to help cover the costs of an implementation support provider.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $8,125
Year Granted: 2021
Grantee: Mosaic
Location: CT - Connecticut
Grantee Website: Mosaic