Blue Planet Network (BPN) is a web-based platform to support and promote clean water projects around the world, providing its more than 100 member institutions with access to water and sanitation experts, a forum to share best practices, and technology that allows funders to support and monitor clean water projects. As BPN’s most active member, East Meets West (EMW) had used the platform to design many of its clean water projects. Seeking to expand its water programs and technology, EMW approached BPN to explore a partnership. Given EMW’s strong donor base and BPN’s interest in enhancing its platform, the two organizations decided to merge. A SeaChange-Lodestar Nonprofit Collaboration Fund grant helped finance costs associated with the implementation of the merger. The merged organization now now operates under the name Thrive Networks.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $5,000
Year Granted: 2013
Grantee: Blue Planet Network (BPN)
Location: International
Grantee Website: Thrive Networks