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Merger of Two Jewish Philanthropic Foundations in Arizona

The Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix (Federation) provided funds and programming for the Jewish Community. The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix (Foundation) supports the Jewish community in Phoenix, Arizona through philanthropic funding. The nonprofits recognized that there have been seismic changes in all aspects of society and Jewish life that required new approaches in how the needs of a greatly changed Jewish Community are addressed. Merging the two organizations will result in growth of total financial resources for the entire community; the development of new, meaningful, and impactful programs; the development, preservation, and protection of necessary community infrastructure; collaboration with community partners to identify, prioritize, respond to, and fund community needs; the expansion of the organized Jewish community’s reach and inclusiveness, intentionally focusing on unaffiliated, marginalized, or those otherwise underrepresented in Jewish communal life; and cultivation and development of leadership that represents and responds to the Jewish community as a whole. The Lodestar Foundation provided a grant to help fund the implementation costs of the merger.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $53,000

Year Granted: 2023

Timeframe: Grant awarded over multiple years

Grantee: Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix (formerly Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix and Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix)

Location: Arizona