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Merger of Two Volunteer Organizations Grounded in the Jesuit Catholic Tradition

Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest is an organization that recruits, places, and supports young adult volunteers who serve full-time for one to two years in nonprofit organizations while living in community with other program members throughout the Pacific Northwest. It is part of the AmeriCorps program. Jesuit Volunteer Corps is an organization that fosters the formation of young adults dedicated to a faith that promotes justice through their service experience. Like JVC NW, it is an AmeriCorps program where volunteers serve nonprofit organizations full-time while living in community with other program members. The organizations have similar missions and programming. Facing ongoing challenges with volunteer recruitment and finances, the organizations launched a common application for participants and a joint volunteer recruitment plan in 2023. The organizations recognize that they have many duplicative functions and, given the similarity of missions and programs, the board and staff leaders agree that the opportunity to merge should be explored. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to help fund a consultant to assist in the exploration of a merger.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $8,000

Year Granted: 2024

Grantee: Jesuit Volunteer Corps

Location: National

Grantee Website: Jesuit Volunteer Corps