The Rochester Nonprofit Consortium, founded in 2017, is an informal affiliation of nonprofits in Olmsted County, Minnesota, whose goal is to increase operational efficiencies among local nonprofits by sharing services and resources. More than thirty organizations compose the Consortium, led by five steering members: Family Service Rochester (FSR), the Rochester Area Foundation (RAF), United Way of Olmsted County, Cradle 2 Career (C2C), and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities (the Alliance). The Consortium is focused on advancing five goals: commitment to outcomes, capacity for innovation, strategic partnerships, new financial strategies, and regulatory modernization. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to fund exploratory diligence to determine the most durable model for the Consortium’s shared services model.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $11,250
Year Granted: 2020
Grantee: Rochester Nonprofit Consortium
Location: MN - Minnesota