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Organization Supporting Multi-Tenant Nonprofit Centers

The Nonprofit Centers Network (NCN) supports the development and operation of multi-tenant nonprofit centers and shared-service arrangements. Lodestar has provided substantial support over the years to increase the capacity of NCN to advise and inform the sector about shared-space and shared-service projects. The NCN 2011 Impact Assessment Study, underwritten by the Lodestar Foundation in partnership with the Kresge Foundation, demonstrated that shared nonprofit spaces and services yield significant efficiencies and impact and that shared spaces often become homes for new and important collaborations. In 2012, the Lodestar Foundation, again in partnership with the Kresge Foundation, provided a three-year grant to NCN to expand marketing, training and new product development. Other grants have helped NCN expand both resources and programming.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $285,000

Year Granted: 2010+

Timeframe: Grant awarded over multiple years

Grantee: Nonprofit Centers Network (NCN)

Location: National

Grantee Website: Nonprofit Centers Network (NCN)