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Network of Nonprofit Funders and Intermediaries is Established to Promote Collaboration

Sustained Collaboration Network (SCN) is a network of nonprofit funders and intermediaries dedicated to making nonprofits more efficient, effective, and sustainable through sustained collaboration. SCN was founded by The Lodestar Foundation to bring together various fund collaborators from around the country that are doing this type of work. These collaborators convened in Phoenix over the course of two years to discuss ideas and strategy. Additionally, along with the Fidelity Charitable Trustees’ Initiative, The Lodestar Foundation is supporting the formation and initial operations of SCN for two years with a grant of $150,000 per year.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $325,000

Year Granted: 2018+

Grantee: Sustained Collaboration Network

Location: National

Grantee Website: Sustained Collaboration Network