The maritime economy accounts for 25-30% of jobs in Washington State, and the demand for youth programming and skills training is increasing to train replacements for boomers who have been – and will continue to be – retiring. Northwest Maritime Center and Salish Sea Expeditions are based in northwest Washington’s maritime region and provide students in grades 5-12 with maritime skills training, scientific research opportunities, education on maritime life and culture, experiential learning, and maritime professional development programs. The organizations decided to merge, yielding myriad benefits which include increased efficiencies, amplified curriculum development and complementarity, improved local workforce development. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to help cover one-time costs of the merger.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $8,000
Year Granted: 2020
Grantee: Northwest Maritime Center
Location: WA - Washington
Grantee Website: Northwest Maritime Center