The recent increase in wealth of young professionals and baby boomers has provided a fertile environment for encouraging philanthropy in new ways. Social Venture Partners (SVP), a philanthropic giving circle with the dual mission of encouraging and teaching strategic philanthropy and supporting emerging non-profits, began in Seattle in 1997. The Lodestar Foundation founded the second SVP group, Social Venture Partners Arizona (SVPAZ) in 1999 and was instrumental in creating the network that now includes more than 40 SVP affiliates in 9 countries. SVPAZ partners pool their money to invest in innovative nonprofits and then actively nurture their investments by providing hands-on technical assistance, business expertise and strategic guidance. Since inception, SVPAZ has (1) invested in excess of $4 million in community nonprofits serving children and education, (2) contributed thousands of hours of professional services to its investees, (3) initiated a venture philanthropy program for teenagers, and (4) recruited and trained more than 300 financially successful individuals (SVPAZ partners) to become strategic philanthropists.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $910,557
Year Granted: 2000+
Timeframe: Grant awarded over multiple years
Grantee: Social Venture Partners Arizona
Location: AZ - Arizona
Grantee Website: Social Venture Partners Arizona