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Special Projects: Defending Democracy & Supporting Justice

Believing that all our citizens are entitled to a free, fair, and transparent democracy, we have invested in several nonprofits focused on defending democratic ideals, norms and institutions and promoting liberty, equality, and truth.  We have also made a variety of grants to support projects and programs promoting equal rights and expanded access to justice for all U.S. residents.

Recipients of our grants to support justice and defend democracy are:

In addition, a number of the principal parties in Lodestar formed two nonprofits (both unrelated and separately-funded organizations)—Educating Citizens on Government Corruption, and Campaign for Accountability and Transparency dba Make Integrity Great Again—which disbursed in excess of $2,000,000 to support public integrity in elected and appointed government officials.

Our founder, Jerry Hirsch, addresses the topic of nonprofit media, the First Amendment, and the legal support necessary to protect the media in his speech to the 2017 Global Philanthropists Circle Members Meeting.  Watch it here.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $7,881,314

Year Granted: 2000 through current year (multiple grants)

Location: National

Grantee Website: see individual links to grantees