The Arc New London County and The Arc Quinebaug Valley are local affiliates in Eastern Connecticut of the national nonprofit The Arc, an organization supporting and protecting the rights of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Both organizations were founded 66 years ago to provide localized support to the IDD populations in adjacent counties in Connecticut. After several months of collaboration discussions and joint strategic planning process, they recognized that their goals and objectives had very good synergy and announced their intention to merge in early 2019. The merger provided multiple benefits including increased expansion and scale, improved organizational sustainability, and expanded service effectiveness and efficiency as The Arc Eastern Connecticut (The Arc ECT). The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration helped to fund one-time costs associated with the merger.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $10,000
Year Granted: 2019
Grantee: The Arc Eastern Connecticut
Location: CT - Connecticut
Grantee Website: The Arc Eastern Connecticut