Center for Resilient Cities creates environmentally-sound community building by creating access to high-quality food and green spaces, including community gardens and urban farms, and advancing renewable energy sourcing. Community GroundWorks works toward an equitable food system by ensuring access to garden space, educating farmers and gardeners, and operating a small-scale production farm and almost 400 community garden plots offering specialized programming to veterans, disabled adults, refugees, and youth. The two organizations began discussing a merger exploration in the fall of 2017, leveraging their past work together on projects, policy discussions, and educational outreach. After a successful exploratory process, they decided to move forward with a merger which would increase financial sustainability, plan for succession, and expand programming and impact. The merged organization now operates as Rooted. The SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration provided a grant to support a portion of the merger costs.
Grant Information
Grant Amount: $10,100
Year Granted: 2020
Grantee: Center for Resilient Cities
Location: WI - Wisconsin
Grantee Website: Rooted