Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring 2015. Does a good deed count as truly “good” if doing it makes you feel better?…
Happiness and Philanthropy
Utah State University, College of Science, Fall 2017. In a nutshell, giving to charity makes us happier; especially when we…
Psychological Science, December 20, 2018 . The happiness we feel after a particular event or activity diminishes each time we…, July 11, 2017. Generous behaviour is known to increase happiness, which could thereby motivate generosity. In this study, we…
Greater Good Science Center, April 29, 2019. Elizabeth Hopper reveals new research which is finding that being kind and giving to…
Time Magazine, July 14, 2017. It doesn’t take a neuroscientist to know that doing nice things for people feels good….
Greater Good Magazine, April 5, 2019. Sherif Arafa asks pioneering psychologist Ed Diener to help explain how policymakers can facilitate the pursuit of happiness….
Great Performers Academy. Scientific studies have confirmed that giving to charity and being more generous actually make you happier. Various…
Tracking Happiness, June 14, 2020. What if I tell you that giving can also make you happy? In some specific…
Douglas A. Smith is the author of two books – Happiness: The Art of Living with Peace, Confidence and Joy and Thriving in…